Great swim in the bay at Carnish this morning with Lewis, Max, Stacey and Antoinette. Duckman was saying anything from 7.3 down to 6.2 degrees nearer the river. 300 metres @ 8 minutes for me. Bit of a water splash on the camera spoiling a few pics...Check out what Lewis is training for:
There was a Tweed for Speed this morning over in Carnish as was out swimming with Lewis Pugh (United Nations Patron of the Oceans) and his training partner Max Holloway. Was great to also meet their wives, Antoinette & Stacey who joined in with some sea swimming. Was nice and sheltered with the odd fun wave to play in, nothing to worry about with local knowledge. Duckman was saying 8.1 degrees. 500 Metres @ 10 minutes for me. Thanks also to the kind folk who returned my camera to me as had dropped it. Check out what Lewis is here to train for: There was Tweed on the (River) Creed this morning, as I was out for a swim with Ed at the mouth of the river. Duckman was saying 8.5 on one side and 6 degrees on the fresh water side. Great choice of location by Ed. Definitely be back for more. Plenty of odd looks from folk out walking round the castle grounds. 250metres @ 9minutes Headed down to Coll Beach with brother Duncan this afternoon for a quick dip in the sea. Duckman was saying about 7 degrees. Nice fresh wind chill, which felt great in the Tweedo's. Played about in the waves for a bit. 300metres @ 9minutes. Good way to spend Christmas eve with a swim in your Tweedo's at Giordail beach, Tolsta. Thanks to Malcolm, Sarah & Rob for the company. We saw an Otter entering the water before we got in. There's some stunning coastal swimming to be had here. Duckman was saying 9 degrees average. 800metres @ 25 mins Fab friday togs swim in Loch Orasaigh this morning. Man it felt cold on the hands and feet at 4.6 degrees, according to Duckman. Managed 270metres @ about 7 minutes...Beautiful place to swim, just don't pee in it as it's the Loch that supplies water to our house....Oh and heed the warning sign too... A wee Saturday morning dip in Loch Bhatandip (it even has a beach on it). My first time in any water under 5 degrees..Was more a dunk and go, lol. Loch 3.6 degrees, Air 1 degree...Moor was frosty underfoot. Smashing day for it though.. A Heb Sea Swimmer on tour. Thanks to the 'Rowing the Minch for MS' Tam for the invite to the party last night. They've raised a whopping 30k so far. Met some amazing folk. Thanks to Kathryn for sorting out the accommodation and for Jonathan and Rebekah for putting us up. Had a fantastic time with friends Tall Col and Wendy, getting both my Polar Bear Challenges in on the 1st December. The 1st was on the dark side of the broom (600m@[email protected] degrees) and 2nd on the light side of the broom (400m@[email protected] degrees). Thanks to Alex for showing us her amazing swim spot and getting in for a dip with us. Always great to meet like minded people. 01.12.2019 Thanks to Fiona and Dave for getting in touch for a refreshing togs swim while they were up from Uist. Tide was out and the sun was going down which made for some fantastic photo's. Duckman was saying 9 degrees. 400 metres @ 14 mins. Thanks to Ed, Thomas and Colin for coming along for a quick dip at the Braighe this morning. Not a wetsuit in sight and only slightly orange on the way out :) Duckman was saying 8.2 degrees average. 350 metres @ 10 mins approx. A Heb Sea Swimmer on tour. A few photo's from a short dip in the north sea at Latheronwheel. Really recommend a stay there as it's beautiful. Duckman was saying 6.7 degrees.. 18.11.2019 Grand morning for a Polar Bear Challenge swim at Swordale Bay. Duckman was saying 10.2 degrees average. Thanks to Katie for the company. Some cracking sea life on the go too. 700 metres. Great way to kick off the week and the Polar Bear Challenge, with a swim at Swordale Bay. Plenty of fish on the go, some not camera shy at all. Duckman was saying 10.6 degrees. 700 metres. Thanks to Kirsty for getting touch while she was up on the island. Headed to Garrabost jetty for a bit of low tide coastal swimming. Couldn't fully swim through the arch but was very interesting to see how much a difference there is between low & high tide. Fantastic to see a dozen seals and some cormorants as well. Duckman was saying 9.5 degrees average. Nice morning for a skins swim at Coll beach. Certainly get a buzz from it. Duckman was saying 9.6-10 degrees. Good mix of sun and rain around and about. 20 minutes or so done. Bit of a chilly morning for a coastal swim at Garrabost. Air temp of about 7 degrees, sea temp of 9.1 degrees according to Duckman. Interesting to be there at a different height of tide (lower this time) than before. Some nice waves happening that I couldn't help watching for a while. Saw an otter, a seal and a cormorant. Went through the arch which was amazing as always..Definitely will be back again for more.. Thanks to Margaret for getting in touch for a swim. Headed to Giordail beach and I think we got the best of the days weather. Walked along the beach and swam round the sea stacks. Duckman was saying 11.3 degrees. Stunning place for swimming... Lomo were kind enough to send me a 60L rucksack to trial for swim camping. Took it for a float test last weekend along with my own Ortlieb Xtremer rucksack. Both worked really well with the camping gear inside, floated no bother, no leaks (have kit doubled bagged inside (I use sea to summit big river bags). Had 3 tow float leashes looped together, leaving the rucksack far enough back from my feet to hardly notice it was there. Will see if I can come up with something stronger..Suggestions anyone?...Main issue is that we swimmers have to take clothes in the rucksack to get into after swimming, they take up a bit of space in the bag...Looking forward to Donna and myself having mini swim breaks to some of our offshore islands...anyone else fancy doing something like this? This is for leisure and enjoyment.... A great day out in Harris today for 6 adventurers (Katie, Zoe, Phil, Kelly, Kellys partner & myself), starting from Hushinish with a walk over the hill to Traigh Mheilein, followed by a swim over to Scarp for a look round the village before heading back. Then a fresh water dip in the Maraig river pool. What a fantastic Friday with like minded folk... A great morning for a coastal swim at one of my favourite beaches on Lewis, Giordail. Headed round the sea stacks and through the natural arch, then onto the tunnel for a swim through that. Plenty of wildlife on the go and also a warship (HMS Albion seemingly) heading into Broadbay as well as a chinook passing over. Duckman was saying 11.6 degrees. Had to stop off for a dook in the pool on the well flowing Maraig river today. Very invigorating for sure. Duckman was saying 10.5 degrees...Great spot for a freshen up.... What a place for a swim camp. Swam from Bosta beach to Little Bernera, walking over to a wee cove and then back in the sea again, towing my waterproof rucksack behind me. Went for a wander before setting up camp at Chapel Beach. At night I was lying under the milky way, watching the northern lights with the odd shooting star also adding to the enjoyment. In the morning had a pre breakfast skins swim, then packed kit away as the heavy rain was starting, a quick cuppa and it was time to head off swimming from Chapel beach round through the kyles and back to Bosta beach. Life is good with swim camping...been planning this for years and am very thankful to the people who have advised me on kit etc... Thanks to Lorraine & Iain for getting in touch for a swim when they were up on holiday. Iain took photo's while Lorraine and myself had a splash about in the waves. Great fun at Garry beach. Duckman was saying 12.9 degrees. Ace time with Donna on a coastal trip out to the Shiants via Seafari. Gordy even let me have a swim through the arch out there. Saw dolphins, eagles and loads more. Photo's and video to follow. ...Really recommend this trip...Video on the right hand side.....21.09.2019 Great afternoon at Coll beach for a dook with visitors Luca & Lily along with Katie & Alison. Lily stayed on shore looking after Alison's Dog. Stayed in for about 15 minutes with some playing in the waves too. Great fun... |
Colin S MacleodThanks for visiting my blog! Archives
December 2019